It's fuckin cold. Pissing down with rain. Unknown train station in the middle of nowhere. Winter...
I'm staring in awe at the picturesque vomit on the floor while trying to understand... how come that amongst so much crap in my bag only one thing got soaked... thing that I need the most now - fags.
"Polish girls are slags", "D-day crew was here", "Cameron is a cunt", "Candice suck my dick" etc. Letters scrawled up the walls like little black bugs, funnily enough couldn't reach any higher than an average ten year old's arm.
There is even a tiled stove but it doesn't burn fire anymore, it's covered with gazillions of cigarette butts and some other shit, origins which I wouldn't even dare to guess... I'm so fuckin cold...
Black clock face appears to be the only spotless and virginal space of the station but not entirely... some fuckers raped it... by tearing off the clock's hands they bereaved it of time indication ability and ultimately - it's being.
- Now it's like a black hole- I'm thinking while being sucked in the dark corridor by it's gravity - Can't see fuck all... -
And then I met raven...